Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, December 15, 2023
Italy Enters the Vortex of Great Suffering!
Message from Our Savior Jesus Christ to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 14, 2023

Jesus is with you, My little flower, write to My beloved People.
Graces and blessings descend upon My People!
Beloved Children:
we are now at the end of this year 2023, soon the disasters will be accentuated, the fulfillment of the prophecies has come to an end, you will see all that has been announced by Heaven through its prophets of old and of today happening.
My children, dear to Me and dear to your heavenly Mother:
the harsh winter has begun; you will have to suffer much, My children! Return quickly to Me! Harmful dust will thicken in the sky and fall on the fields, crops will burn, water will be poisoned; you will have no more food to feed yourselves! War will explode--embracing the whole earth; the world will be on fire.
Poor men, so miserable, without My Help!
Oh, you who have denied your God, you will have to suffer much.
Jesus intervenes to cover His Children with His Mantle, He will take them with Himself to a safe place where prosperity and joy they will have! Italy enters the vortex of great suffering: all good will be taken from her; the great ones of the Earth have decreed the end of Italy ... poverty and disasters will increase. "Fractionated" ... it will be divided and sold. Believe these words of Mine because they are words of truth.
My beloved daughter,
do not be afraid to write what I tell you, it is infinite truth. Write without bearing any thought : I am the One Who I Am! I am the God of Israel!
My beloved Children,
I come to take back into Me what belongs to Me, I come to bring relief to the poor, I come to separate what is good from evil. Prepare for the great event!
God will manifest Himself to the world as the "God of Mercy" and "Justice." I will thunder with power My Justice! ... There will be days of terror for traitors!
My beloved ones, God the Father cries out with all His love for your conversion:
listen to Me lest you be clung to by the Devil's claws. Convert, O men, convert! You have come to the end of a history of sin. The new abode for My beloved People will be in the greatness of love and jubilation. Support this Work of Mine, My children! Soon all will be swept away by unrighteous man...all your property will be taken from you, all your possessions will be taken from you. Martial law will be imposed in a big way ... and those who do not comply will be killed.
Beloved My creatures, it is your Father who speaks to you,
do not be foolish, listen to this My cry for help, return to Me because only then can I save you.
Prepare yourselves My children: these are words of truth. Amen!
God the Father.
Source: ➥